Then we heard from Wendy. She said Holding up the Universe was formulaic -- disease of the week. Romance. She enjoyed the book despite all that but noticed that the same formula is used in her next book-- the disease is somnambulism or narcolepsy but she also covers suicide and depression and oh- there is a death. Have I read too many of these? Perhaps. Vincent and Theo was interesting because it was non fiction and didn't cater so baldly to its audience but it was ultimately just a timeline. The relationship was interesting but there was only a one note analysis of that relationship and it was a relationship that didn't change over the years. Thus was repetitive and boring.
I didn't like either of these books. Do I have to pick one? I'll pick Vincent and Theo if I have to.
But she refused to be swayed to vote with us for Holding Up the Universe, for much the same reasons as the previous bracket who chose Vincent and Theo. Ultimately, she's only one vote, though. We throw in two votes for Holding Up the Universe, but we probably didn't read the Smackdown winner this round.
I think we forget what may be formulaic for us will not be for many of our students. I was able to use this book to talk about gender roles when discussing his little brother taking a purse to school and also talking about the "fat girl rodeo" scenario. It led to really relevant class discussion. That's rare in grade eight!