Smackdown Books 2021

Ordinary Hazards
We Dream of Space
If These Wings Could Fly
We Are Not Free
The King of Jam Sandwiches
All Thirteen: The Incredible Cave Rescue of the Thai Boys' Soccer Team
The Companion
Punching the Air
Show Me a Sign
Land of the Cranes
Dragon Hoops
When Stars Are Scattered
The Radium Girls: The Scary But True Story of the Poison That Made People Glow in the Dark
American as Paneer Pie
Tune It Out
The Gilded Ones
The Left-Handed Booksellers of London

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Woohoo! New books! Thanks to Arlene and Andrew for their initial posts on April, May and June and Bamboo People, which I immediately went back to re-read when I got my books. I can't decide which one to read first. But I will be putting aside my guilty pleasure Shopaholic book in favour of one of these new ones.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Small Free Kiss in the Dark - Glenda Millard

... versus Amy & Roger's Epic Detour.
Joanne and I both feel that this one is not the winner. It is basically an attempt at kid-lit recreating "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy. A kid and an older man set out on a survival mission as a war ravages the countryside. They meet travelers and stuff happens - a really good idea that is not developed as thoroughly as it could have been. The kid is overly philosophical to the point that his thoughts - and a lot of the imagery - feel largely contrived. It tries to be touching but the author is too guarded and doesn't allow the characters to ever reach a true point of vulnerability. I think teens would feel that it is "fake." There are some tender moments in it that start to work but fall short. It needs a few more rewrites to loosen it up.

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour - Morgan Matson

... versus A Small Free Kiss in the Dark.
Joanne and I picked Amy & Roger's Epic Detour as the clear winner. This is a story about Amy, a high school girl, who has to move from California to Connecticut and has to get there by car with the help of Roger. He is the son of her mom's friend and a college student. The plan is that he, with his own reasons for traveling cross country, will drive Amy to Connecticut on a four-day route predetermined by mom. Of course, the two adventurers, right off the bat, take a different course.
Morgan Matson does a great job of weaving humour in with mystery, romance, and angst to create a really fun, fast, touching read. It's like a "Sleepless in Seattle" with a big bowl of popcorn and a Snuggie on a couch and no one to judge you 'cause you're a teary-eyed guy. There are plenty of elements that keep resurfacing to the reader's amusement and well-placed flashbacks fill in blanks along the way. Varied text presentation - pictures, journal entries, receipts - makes it feel all the more real. The characters are believable and fallible and you can't help but hope that everything will turn out okay in the end. Definitely a read for mature kids, and since it takes place across the States, some knowledge of U.S. geography, landmarks, and the interstate highway system would help kids to visualize and make connections.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

Have you ever experienced the annoyance of attempting to read a book (that you expected to love and adore) multiple times, but find yourself unable to be drawn into the narrative? This is what happened to me with Sisters Red....a seemingly, modern retelling of Red Riding Hood by Jackson Pearce.

It's has great cover art....but I couldn't get beyond the first half of the book. It's a dark tale of two sisters trapped in a world of werewolves and violence. I'm kinda worn out with vampire-ish Twilight, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and True Blood to read yet another in this genre.

Someone else needs to read this book...and comment. I feel guilty that I was unable to do "reading justice" to this tale.

So far this is what I know, Scarlet (the badass sister) and her sister Rosie must spend their lives hunting werewolves...and prevent other helpless girls from being attacked. The chapters alternate between each sister's point of view - an interesting narrative device.

Online reviews both by experts and teen audiences give the book a very good someone in our Mighty Smackdown group may want to take up the challenge to give this book another reading....

Stork by Wendy Delsol

What's in a cover? Yes, I often tell kids not to judge a book by the cover, but when I opened my tinted blue, plastic folder at our inaugural meeting of the Mighty Smackdown, the icy blue cover embellished with snowflakes and the pic of a Icelandic blue-eyed blond - I was drawn to this book. Isn't it fascinating how often we (as avid readers) sense something about a story worthiness from the cover art?

That being said, how does Delsol's new entry unfold? This debut novel blends Norse mythology with romance and is sure to attract young adult female readers. The story has a nice buildup of suspense, romance and surprising twists - a good first novel.

Fresh after the divorce of her parents, Katla and her mother move from Los Angeles to Norse Falls, a small town in Minnesota. Katla is displaced from her usual stylish, warm and trendy locale to small town Hicksville. Fitting in at the local high school is tough, as Kat fancies herself something of a fashionista. The descriptive writing about her clothing choices, aversion to flannel shirts, and her attempts at fitting in will resonate with teenage female readers.

Right off the bat, Katla discovers a mysterious secret society of elderly women called the Stork Society (hence the name of the book) that meet in the basement of the semi-closed, dusty, fabric shop across the street from Kat's own grandfather's store. Kat is invited to join the Storks and finds herself dreaming strange and mysterious dreams of women (from the town) fondly watching over a gurgling baby . I found this a little improbable and wondered just what sort of genre this story was treading. What this fantasy...from the cover it looked more like a girly romance?

Anyway Kat is now a "stork" - someone who has the power to decide which women in her town will become pregnant. I wondered where this special power was leading...when two boys enter the narrative both vying for Kat's attention. Wade dangerous and obnoxious won't leave her alone, while mysterious Jack, editor of the high school newspaper, won't have anything to do with her. The sparks that fly between Kat and Jack will capture teen readers and keep their attention throughout the rest of the story.

Secrets abound in Kat's new small town life - some secrets she must keep and others she finds that were kept from her. There are enough twists and turns in the telling to surprise the reader and the ending (while it comes a complete surprise) will satisfy readers and demand further adventures of this teenage pair.

A sequel entitled FROST has been announced.

Note that while I don't think this is a title that will win the final is a thoroughly enjoyable read.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Million Shades of Gray vs. The Ghost and the Goth

When I first saw my books I have to admit I was looking forward to reading one much more than the other. A book set during the Vietnam War with a child elephant trainer seemed much more up my alley then one about ghosts and goths reviewed by writers of vampire books -- as shocking as it may be, I have not even read the Twilight books because I do not like vampires or that genre of writing.

A Million Shades of Gray by Cynthia Kadohata

The story begins with a young boy, Y’Tin, watching his mentor work with elephants. He wants to become a trainer one day, and takes every opportunity to be with the animals. Y’Tin soon becomes one of the best trainers in the village and much to his mother’s dismay, would rather be with the animals than in school. As the story progresses, we learn that Y’Tin’s father had been helping the American troops during the Vietnam war assuming they would provide protection for the village. As the war continues, the American troops pull out, and Y’Tin’s village is soon under attack. They are forced into the jungle, although Y’Tin and some others are captured before they can escape.

The story continues with the devastation and destruction that Y’Tin sees in his village and he must complete some terrible tasks before he eventually escapes and is reunited with his villagers and the elephants. Y’Tin continues to work with Lady, his special elephant, and must make some difficult decisions regarding her future. Throughout his ordeal, as a captive during the war and trying to survive in the jungle, he is forced to think about who his real friends are, and what is important to him.
Although I felt the book had a lot of potential with the story line, the plot was underdeveloped and quite dull. It took a long time to get into the book and I kept waiting for something exciting to happen. If I was a junior high student, I probably would have stopped reading it long before the end. The book could allow for some interesting discussion with students, but there are others that are much more interesting and engaging that provide the same thoughts.

The Ghost and the Goth by Stacey Kade

I was pleasantly surprised by this book and thoroughly enjoyed The Ghost and the Goth.

As the story begins we learn that Alona Dare, the queen bee of the school, has died in a tragic accident and is learning that she is now a ghost. As her so called “friends” move on from her death with very little disruption to their lives, she quickly begins to realize that her life was extremely shallow and she did not accomplish anything worthwhile. Ghost Alona begins to fade and disappear and soon realizes that she must do something meaningful before she disappears for ever.

Enter Will Killan, a senior in high school who is known as the freak and nicknamed “Will Kill.” Will detests school and just wants to make it a few more weeks so he can graduate and leave forever. We soon learn that Will is able to communicate with the dead and is able to see and talk to Alona as well as many other ghosts with interesting personalities found throughout the school. This inherited ability from his father (who committed suicide because of it) is a curse to Will because everyone around him thinks he is crazy and should be committed to an institution. Will and Alona soon realize that they are able to help each other do things they never would have been able to on their own.

This book is a smart and engaging read as it is told from first person point of view alternating from Alona then Will’s perspective. It touches on many of the stereotypes found in schools between the “cool kids” and the “uncool kids” and we realize that no ones lives are truly as they seem. With attacking ghosts, realistic views of high school, a lot of humor, and a touch of romance, this book would appeal to both girls and guys and has something in it that everyone would be able to relate to and enjoy. There is a sequel to be released later this year and I look forward to reading it.

The Ghost and the Goth is definitely the winner to advance to the next round.

The Unwritten vs. Nothing

O.K.. Here I go. Why do I feel like this is some sort of examination? O.K.. Ready. On to the two books:

The Unwritten

Plot in a nutshell: Graphic novel. Tom Taylor’s father wrote an incredibly popular series of Harry Potter-esque Y.A. novels, but has since disappeared (one of the central mysteries of the series: has he simply become reclusive, a la Salinger? Something more nefarious?). The boy-wizard protagonist of the series, Tommy Taylor, may or may not have been killed off in the final novel. And then…the real world and the constructed fantasy world begin to collide, as characters from the novels start appearing in the real world. And Tom may, in fact, actually be Tommy, as in, a fictional character living in the real world. Meta-hi-jinks ensue.

First of all, I have to say I’m not a fan of fantasy as a genre, but I recognize this as a failing on my part. I can’t make it through The Lord of the Rings movies. I read the first four Harry Potter books, and enjoyed them, but wasn’t moved to read the final books. I can recognize that they are great, but I just can’t wrap my pea-sized brain around the strange names of the characters and the worlds of swords and spells and unicorns. I lack the “suspension of disbelief” chip in my brain, and have trouble giving myself over to the narrative in Fantasy books. So for me to even like something in this genre is a feat in itself, and I really liked this text, enough to even purchase the next volume in the series and read it as well.

The Unwritten is one of those great opportunities to put a graphic novel in someone’s hands to say “This is a graphic novel that will change your perception that comic books are ‘kidstuff.’ No kidding. This is really smart and clever and academic. And engaging and fun.” The Unwritten is peppered with literary allusions (note: brush up on your Frankenstein, Dickens and Mark Twain for full effect), and really interesting choices in form: we often oscillate back and forth between both print and film versions of the Tommy Taylor series and reality, each informing the narratives of the other. Embedded web pages are used, as are CNN-style news scrolls to great effect. You find yourself scrutinizing these pages for clues and extra information to confirm your suspicions of key plot points. Great fun.


it appropriate for Young Adults? Well, the language is pretty salty at times (absolutely every one of the “big” swears is used, often with wild abandon). The violence can be a bit graphic (more in possibility than in actuality though) and there are a few double entendres that might just be entendres, if you know what I mean (although this is more prevalent in Volume 2 of the series). I’m not entirely sure I’d feel comfy sitting down with the kids explaining some of it. Teachable? Maybe not. It sure is fun though.


Plot in a nutshell: Novel. Danish 14-year old climbs a tree, decrying the meaningless of the world; his classmates try to get him down by establishing a “heap of meaning,” a pile of their most prized possessions that give their lives purpose. But…in order to ensure that what a person adds to the pile truly is his or her most prized possession, someone chooses for him or her what he or she have to add to the pile. The hideousness of humanity is exposed. Painfully.

Clearly, Danish Young Adult fiction is a tad stronger than North American Young Adult fiction. Nothing is, quite honestly, one of the most disturbing things I have ever read. Disturbing, disturbing, disturbing. No joke. And, while there is plenty of physical violence, it is the psychological violence that gets under your skin and festers. The dustjacket draws parallels to Lord of the Flies, and I can certainly see it, although Nothing, for me at least, was way more shocking and upsetting. To be honest, I wouldn’t ever visit this sort of horror on a class of students[1], not even a class of Grade 12 I.B.s. And I’m no prude. It’s just that horrific.

But having said all that…

As troubled as I was, I was riveted. Horrified and troubled, to be sure, but it is a well-written, cleverly crafted novel of savagery and cruelty. Janne Teller is absolutely exacting and relentless as events meet their inevitable and logical conclusion; as much as your mouth hangs open as each child dictates what the next child must add to the “heap of meaning,” it is always coolly realistic and plausible. Not that I like to ponder the, perhaps boundless, capacity for cruelty that we possess, but it is something to consider and reflect upon.

And, I’m going to read it again. The novel is pretty clearly an allegory, but I couldn’t keep track of the roles each kid “plays” the first time through the novel—I lost myself to the narrative, like in all good fiction, and the “Teacher/Thinker” part of my brain was overruled entirely by the “Reader/What Happens Next?” part of my brain. Like I said, it is exceedingly clever and smart, demanding, I think, a second or third read.

The question, for the purposes of The Smackdown however, is does it go into the next round, considering that I would never put it in the hands of a class? Clearly someone thinks it is fine/appropriate for young adults; as I type this, Dia has informed me that Nothing was named one of the Printz Honour books. Maybe I’m just getting older and more easily schocked….

SO….Which Goes Forward…

I can’t imagine asking someone to read Nothing. However, I sure would like it if someone would, so I could talk about it to someone. Hammer out some of the complexities. It’s the kind of book that demands discussion during and afterward. BUT, it is a thoroughly unpleasant experience, the kind that makes you want to take a bleach shower afterward. And The Unwritten is pretty fun. So…The Unwritten it is!

[1] But I might put it in the hands of a kid that might be able to handle it. But I can’t think of one that I currently teach.


The extraordinary Secrets of April, May & June by Robin Benway vs.

Robin Benway’s The extraordinary Secrets of April, May and June is written using the power of dialogue to create three distinct characters and is used as the common thread throughout the book. The story is not complex and is quite an easy read that our young teen girls might enjoy. The book opens with the three sisters, April, May and June bantering back and forth like typical siblings while departing from school to go home. Their parents recently shared that they are getting a divorce, so the first part of the book is the girls adjusting to their new life. The surreal aspect of the story is they bring an element of “magic powers.” They move to a new town where all three girls recover special childhood powers and adjust to high school. Readers may relate to this book if they enjoyed the sitcom Charmed, since it follows a similar plot of each character has a special power that is used to solve problems.

April, the narrator, is the oldest, and the story is told in her perspective; she is motherly, and protective, where her younger siblings may perceive her as bossy and perfect. May is a typical middle child, who does not want to be noticed by anyone, and tries to blend in so she does not stand out. But her personality is quite likeable because she is witty and quite sarcastic. Lastly, May is the youngest and wants to be popular and friends with everyone- a little shallow but sweet nonetheless. The girl’s powers are quite aligned with their characteristics as people: April can see into the future, May can disappear and June is able to read minds. The book is centered on the girls getting used to their powers and how they use them in their daily world. A difficult situation arises and the girls all come together, demonstrating that the true power to solving their problems is to rely on one another.

This quick read will keep students engaged and shares a heartfelt message of the importance of SISTERHOOD.

Brain Camp

This graphic novel follows a plot that is simply, BIZARRE! Two troubled adolescents, Lucas and Jenna, are sent to summer camp that appears to be preparing them for SAT’s. The setting seems like a true camp: the food sounds tasteless, the bunks are lumpy, and there are tons of activities. Kids can relate to the setting which might draw them in alone. The illustrations are funny, and humorous. The plot itself was just plain odd. A handful of students, are supposedly sent home, which Lucas and Jenna later finds out are being kept in an abandoned house. They sneak up and look inside. What they see is just plain crazy! There are feathers and chicken guts seeping out of their foreheads. Lucas and Jenna work together to create a serum to stop these kids from turning into chickens.

The oddity of the conflict may cause students not to connect to this book. However, kids might enjoy this far- fetched plot line and want to read it for a laugh. For me, by the end my brain was scrambled!

Robin Benway’s The extraordinary Secrets of April, May and June moves to the next round.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony

If you are looking for Canadian content then Restoring Harmony fits that category not only because it places you on a small island in British Columbia in 2041 but the protagonist, Molly, is Canadian to the core. The tiny BC island Molly lives on is a contrast to the rest of the world where any oil that is left is controlled by the elite few and the economy is in tatters. On Molly's island a collection of families are self sufficient away from the bleakness and desperation of the rest of the world.

When a letter arrives from the US, Molly is the only one who can be spared to undertake the rescue mission which will not only save her grandparents but will provide a much needed doctor for all those on her peaceful island. As she treks through a world of corruption, destruction and crime with only her fiddle for company, the reader sees this plucky protagonist encounter the one temptation which may take her mission down.

The premise for this novel was very interesting and as readers we bought into the world of the future which the author created through thoughtful details and strong description but we felt that the adventure could have pulled us in more as at times it was a little predictable. The protagonist is female as is the ultimate 'Boss' antagonist, however there are a number of strong male characters also. The book trailer and accompanying music from the book are a beautiful match and can be found on the comprehensive website (listed under author links on this blog) which also has an online study guide with some interesting discussion questions.

Vanessa and I also read Ship Breaker which she has written up earlier in this blog. For this SMACKDOWN Ship Breaker will move on, however I will certainly be reading Joelle Anthony's next book!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Matched vs. The Great Wide Sea

I'm one of those people who often chooses books by their covers, and so I chose a favorite before reading.On its cover, Matched has a girl in a frothy green dress trapped in a glass ball -- there's lots of potential there, and so it's my favourite. The Great Wide Sea, however, has a cover that belongs on a book written in the 18th century -- a sailboat in a storm -- big whoop. But I signed on to the Smackdown with the belief that all of the books would be good reads, so I did actually read both...

Matched by Ally Condie

I loved the premise of Matched, because it's definitely something timely. What happens when we're over-wired? Will there be a point when we decide that being connected all the time with unlimited choice is just too much? In the Matched world, they've eliminated all of that. They've reduced everything down to the "best" 100: 100 books, 100 poems, 100 songs, 100 movies, etc. Each meal is delivered by the government in a form perfectly matched to the nutritional requirements of the person who will eat it. Each person "dies" at the age of 80. Each person, provided he/she wants to be married and is acceptable, is matched with the perfect spouse in a matching ceremony at the age of 17. This story begins with the matching ceremony for Cassia, who is matched to her childhood friend Xander. This in itself highly unusual; normally matches are not known to each other beforehand. Although she is thrilled to be matched with Xander, Cassia feels somewhat cheated, because she doesn't get the opportunity to meet someone new and experience that thrill of learning all about him. However, when she loads her match information chip into her computer, it doesn't show Xander; it shows another friend, Ky. Although Ky's picture shows up only for a second, it makes Cassia question her match. She starts to seek out Ky at various events in the community and develops a forbidden relationship with him. In a society where the government knows all, the turn of events is not really surprising.

This book smacks of the Giver and other similar stories. Normally I would say that kids really go for these types of books, but I'm not so sure in this case. I would have really liked to know more about how and why the Matched world got to its current state. I also found that the middle of the book was slow -- definitely not a page turner. And the end...well, I won't give it away, but I found it somewhat unsatisfying.

The Great Wide Sea by M. H. Herlong

Now the Great Wide Sea is an entirely different story; and as I mentioned at the start, I didn't expect to like it at all. It's kind of a "boy" book; the main characters are three brothers and their dad. The father is consumed with grief over the recent death of his wife and consequently quits his job, sells his house, and buys a creaky sailboat on which he intends to live and sail the Bahamas for a year with his sons. The boys, main character Ben, 15, Dylan, 12, and Gerry, 5, think their father's plan is insane. The story is told through the eyes of Ben, and he is a true-to-life 15/16 year old boy. He wants to focus on his friends, hobbies, and the car he'll buy when he turns 16. He misses his mother terribly, is irritated by his brothers constantly, and blames his father for everything. He alternates between brooding and annoying teenager to caring and competent caregiver in an instant -- as most teenagers do. Together this family faces a multitude of trials, far beyond what most of us could imagine, yet perfectly believable on a sailboat in the 'great wide sea'. Sailors will probably appreciate all of the realistic detail, which I'm assuming is accurate. Readers will appreciate the shocking turn of events with the father in the middle of the book.

I think this book would be very appealing to young adults -- boys and girls alike. It was especially appealing to the mother of three sons. The main character is very well-written; the details are very realistic, and the whole story is very fast-paced and exciting. I also found the conclusion satisfying. If only it came with a better cover!

Thankfully, Jaylene and I agreed on our choice to move on. The winner is....... The Great Wide Sea.

Is it Night or Day? Vs. Bamboo People

Two books, both about the way in which wars change the lives of children. Is it Night or Day? is a story based on true events of the author's mother and her voyage out of Nazi Germany to America in 1938. The second book, Bamboo People is set in Myanmar, formally known as Burma, as a young boy is captured and forced to become a child soldier.

Is it Night or Day? begins with the onset of the horrors of Germany during World War II and a Jewish family planning to send their daughter to the safety of America. The main character in this story, Tiddy or Edith when she arrives in the United States, is forced against her desires to leave her home and family and live with an unknown aunt and uncle in Chicago. This will be the last time that Tiddy will ever see her family as they will not escape Germany and join her before being sent to a concentration camp. The story is filled of many episodes of ways in which Tiddy is faced with the discrimination shown to Jews during this time in history both in Germany and the United States. As a resource for understanding the reasons for Jewish exile and persecution in Germany, this is a weak example. If however, you are looking for a story about a young girl searching for identity, compassion and understanding in a new land with an unsupportive, uncaring adoptive family, then this would be a good choice.

Bamboo People by Mitali Perkins is the story of war and aggression in a part of the world that has been filled with armed conflict for decades. The newspapers are full of stories of human right infringements and continued fighting between the Myanmar army and the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) of Thailand. In this story, Chiko, a young man living with his mother in a large city in Burma, is captured and forced to join the military as a child soldier. His story continues through training in an isolated jungle camp and eventual insertion into the zone of combat. During this time Chiko learns the stories of other child soldiers as friendship are created. At the same time in Thailand, another young man is part of a rebel force who has been fighting against the Burmese army. The lives of these two will eventually become one as both sides of the conflict are presented. I found this book a very interesting look into the way in which young men are forced to become part of armies and the issues behind the use of children as soldiers. As a story, it was refreshing to read a book about boys that does not involve a strong female character who “rescues” them or an involved love relationship. Basically a book about boys for boys but still captures the bonds of friendship and comradeship.

Overall winner, Bamboo People.

alligator bayou VS Whisper

alligator bayou by Donna Jo Napoli

I'll be first to admit, even though I teach Social Studies, I'm not a fan of most historical fiction. Give me action!!

When I first picked up Donna Jo Napoli's alligator bayou, it wasn't a book that I was exactly looking forward to reading. Maybe because it took place over a

hundred years ago and I know nothing about Italian immigration.

When you think of stories of race and discrimination, you don't usually think of people from Italy facing the brunt of it. This story helps readers to understand what it may have been like to be an immigrant and a visible minority in the United States around the turn of the19th Century.

I began reading this book on the beach in Mexico and sadly, the 70 year old man in his speedo was capturing more attention than the story. However, I did finally get into it about half way through.

Each chapter is its own adventure for the main character, 14 year old Calogero, who moved to America from Italy after his mother died, to live with his cousins and Uncles. (His dad had traveled to America when Calogero was a small boy but they never heard from him again). Throughout the story a thread is woven through the chapters culminating in an ending that I didn't see coming!

Despite what I thought was definitely a slow start compared to what I enjoy, once the story got going, I had to find out what was going to happen. Although I am not minimizing the discrimination any immigrant has faced, it wasn't a story that really grabbed my attention. In the end, I didn't like the outcome and really don't think teens will enjoy the read, especially reluctant readers, but am glad I read until the end. I even learned something!

Rating: 2 Speedos out of 5

Whisper by Phoebe Kitanidis

I hear whispers...When is this class going to be over? How much

longer until lunch? Who cares how the Canadian government works? Ms. Overacker is so amazing......I can't imagine being able to hear people's thoughts, or even worse, have them hear mine - especially in the middle of a staff meeting!

Phoebe Kitanidis' novel Whisper was definitely a different start compared to that of alligator bayou. It captured my attention from the opening chapter and although I have limited experience reading fantasy I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't too over the top or unbelievable and had a little bit of everything including action, suspense and romance for every dreaming teenage girl.

The main character, 14 year old Joy, has an extra special power for hearing peoples thoughts or whispers as they call them. Both her mother and older sister have the same gift but all use their talent in very different ways. Joy uses it for good and her older sister evil. As a result, their relationship is far from stable. I think many girls will relate to this sisterly or sibling battle and although rooting for Joy, will still enjoy the evil stunts that her older sister pulls to make her life miserable. As Joy's 'gift' intensifies, her older sister also continues to struggle with her own. How will they make it through? What will they do with their power? Read to the end!!

The story was very strong and sucessfully held my attention in it's entirety. Its weaknesses? The only part I really didn't like was the end. Not the outcome necessarily but how fast it occured. I felt a bit let down that the entire story built up to the conflict and was over so quickly. I wanted more!

Hopefully it is obvious that I am choosing this book to continue over alligator bayou.

Can you hear my whispers now?.....I'm just new at this! Did I write enough? Is this book good enough to go to the end? What will Dia MacMighty think? Is anyone going to lay the smackdown on me when they read this book....hmmmm. Bring on the next set!

Rating: 4 Whispers out of 5

When You Reach Me vs. Fever Crumb

OK, the reading part has been fun (both my books and your posts), but this blogging bit is stressing me out. Hopefully this will work and I can say I’ve learned how to do this.

As for the books:
First, I read When You Reach Me, by Rebecca Stead. Frankly, I should confess that I chose to read it first because I thought it would be the least enjoyable for me. The characters are in sixth grade, and I wasn’t sure that I would see it as a good fit for my junior high students. I was very pleasantly surprised by how engaging I found the book. In the opening of the book, the protagonist, Miranda, tells us that her mother has been invited to be a contestant on The $20,000 Pyramid gameshow. Cleverly, each chapter is titled like categories on the gameshow (“Things That Smell,” “Things You Forget”). I worried my students wouldn’t get it, but many of them claim to know a bit about $20,000 Pyramid and the rest of the rules are explained in the book. The real story, though, is that Miranda is revealing these facts in a letter to an unnamed person who predicted these events. During a time when Miranda is struggling to define herself (her best friend since babyhood, Sal, is not speaking to her after she witnessed a bully punch him), she begins finding notes left for her, offering her “proof” by revealing facts that nobody could know. One note tells her, “I am coming to save your friend’s life, and my own.” The desire to find out who is in danger, who is coming to save them, and whether the rescue will be a success makes this book a compelling read. With frequent references to A Wrinkle In Time, the answers became predictable a bit early for me, but the characters are interesting enough that wanting to know how they will figure it out was enough of an incentive for me to want to keep reading. I enjoyed this book far more than I thought I would and I felt that the characters seemed closer in age to my grade sevens or eights, so I would recommend it to them.

The book that I thought would be my more interesting holiday read was Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve. Fever is the protagonist. She was a foundling, adopted by the Order of Engineers in a future London. The Engineers value reason and logic, suppressing all emotion. They also believe women are irrational creatures, so there are no female Engineers, except Fever, who has been raised by the Order. This future world seems a bleak place. There have been a series of wars and invasions which have resulted in a world where technology, from electric lights to airplanes, have become the realm of archaeologists. Most recently, London was ruled by a race of beings called Scriven, who have genetic mutations that cause long life and markings on their faces. Londoners revolted and killed off the Scriven. In the opening of the book, an archaeologist named Kit Solvent goes to the Order of Engineers looking for an assistant to help him in a top-secret case. Fever goes with him on an assignment that involves helping Kit to unlock a mysterious room that once belonged to a Scriven overlord. When she gets there, she begins experiencing memories that are not her own, which seems to interest Kit even more than the room itself. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, perhaps because they deny their emotions, I found the characters unsympathetic. I couldn’t connect to them or care too much about their fates for at least half of the book. When I got to the point where Fever’s history is finally revealed, the plot starts moving along and I finally found myself interested. I can’t imagine many of my students waiting that long to get caught up in the story. Or perhaps I am just unwilling to forgive a book that has a setting of a pub called “The Polished Turd.”

My winner for this round is When You Reach Me.
But really, I am looking forward to receiving my next round of books.

Flash Burnout Vs. The Gardner

Flash Burnout by L.K. Madigan is a story about a high-schooler named Blake who is an oridary teenage boy. He is the class-clown and always tries to get laughs out of his buddies, family, and girlfriend for "points". He has a girlfriend, who is a total babe. She’s the first girl he’s ever said, “I love you” to and he is trying to figure out exactly what that means. Being a teenage boy, his thoughts quite frequently drift over to the sexual aspect of relationships which leads to some laugh-out-loud moments. Blake is also good friends with a girl named Marissa from his photography class. For an assignment for photography class Blake ends up taking a photo of a homeless women who happens to be Marissa' mom. This incident leads to Marissa getting back in touch with her drug addicted mother and Marissa's hope for her mother to get back on the straight and narrow. The more Blake gets involved with Marissa’s messy personal life, the more he has trouble juggling time with his girlfriend and his girl friend. Flash Burnout is about love and loyalty, growing up and making mistakes, and learning how messy relationships can be.

I couldn't put this novel down! It was funny and dramatic which is exactly what high school is all about. I think it is a great novel for both teenage boys and girls as it explores high school life and relationships through the eyes of a ordinary teenage boy.

The Gardner by S.A. Bodeen is about Mason a teenage boy and his journey with an autotrophic girl as he seeks out information about his personal life.
On a visit to the nursing home in which his mother works, Mason discovers that her job does not involve caring for the elderly patients as he imagined, but for several apparently "catatonic teenagers". When his mother steps away, one of the teens awakens in response to a DVD that he puts on from his absentee father. The girl suffers from amnesia but somehow knows she must escape her current environment and begs Mason for his help. He suddenly finds himself on the run from TroDyn Industries, a scientific corporation that owns most of his town. As they escape the nursing home, the girl slowly attains some of her memory and tells him not to go anywhere near TroDyn. As the story goes on we find out that TroDyn has been using this girl as a science experiment to create a human who can create their own food. Mason tries to keep her safe from these evil scientists but finds out that he is more and more connected to this science experiment than he would like to be.
This is a great novel for young readers. I found it to be an easy read but found it to be better suited as a short story. The character development could have been a bit more fleshed out, but overall it was an interesting topic. The themes are relevant to readers today as it deals with enivromentalism which young readers would love.
And the winner is.... FLASH BURNOUT.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Nobody vs Scrawl

First, let me tell you that I have no idea what I am doing. This whole blogging world is brand spanking new to me, so I am hoping all goes well. I see there are lovely pictures included with the other blogs, but I have no idea how to do that. My two books are Scrawl by Mark Shulman and The Nobody by Jeff Lemire.

Scrawl is about a boy named Tod Munn. Tod is pretty much a social outcast who hangs out with other social outcasts. Told through first person narration, he leads you to believe that his life pretty much sucks. The story is a little different because instead of having a story told from the point of view of someone who is being bullied, it is told from a bully's point of view. Yup, Tod, it would seem, is your typical school bully. The whole story is told through a series of journal entries that he has to keep as part of his punishment for something really bad that he and his friends have done.

Throughout the book, more and more of Tod's issues are revealed, and we discover the reasons for his behavior. We also discover that he is actually a really good kid, and his is more of a victim than anything else. I liked this book. Tod's voice is authentic, and I think kids, particularly kids who are being bullied, will identify with Tod.

The Nobody by Jeff Lemire is a graphic novel which makes the book more accesible - especially for reluctant readers. This book takes H.G. Wells' Invisible Man character and puts him into a modern small town setting. The invisible man is befriended by a young girl in the town whose mother has recently left the family, and she becomes his only friend as everyone in the town eventually turns against the mysterious, tortured newcomer. Of course, he is just holed up in his hotel room trying to hide (the experiement that allowed him to become invisible also plays havoc with his mental state, and he has done something nasty) and survive, but the people's curiosity and fear lead to his ultimate demise.

I also enjoyed this book even though I'm not a huge fan of graphic novels. Certainly very accesible for reluctant readers, but there is some very strong language. The "f" word is used several times, and I'm not sure I would have it in a junoir high library.

With a better message and more wide-spread appeal, I am going to have to choose Scrawl as my winner.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Carver vs All the Women Left in the World

Oh dilemma! Right out of the gate too! Like Arlene, I read Griff Carver, Hallway Patrol by Jim Krieg and Epitaph Road by David Patneaude. I thought Griff Carver was a funny book. The problem is I think it’s funny because it’s a kid take-off on the hardboiled detective genre. Problem is what kids would get that? Not mine for sure. He wasn’t getting the humor of Griff starting his “career” at six. He didn’t laugh when Griff describes his school in terms of crime: “An eighth-grade girl defacing school property. Two seventh-grade goons giving some dork the hi-low. Extorted milk money making its way up the food chain.” If you don’t get the central connection maybe it just isn’t funny. There was a Disney cartoon a few years ago called Fillmore which tried the same thing – most kids really don’t remember it. Though Griff manages to start his career up at a new school and bust a hallway pass ring all in the first month of school I’m not as confident he’ll bust out of the library. There will be a sequel and I’ll read it but the kids…I don’t know.

I do think I could book talk Epitaph Road and it will got out. The story of a world dominated by women with men carefully controlled is very interesting. Immediately I felt it would pair nicely with The Knife of Never Letting Go, a book set in a world with no women. However interesting the premises, though, I had trouble feeling for the characters. Kellen is one of the few boys around and his dad one of the few survivors of the virus that wiped most men out. His mother is powerful and Kellen has a good relationship with her, supposedly. However, when secrets come out and Kellen tries to get to his father this relationship gets strained but you feel none of Kellen’s angst about the change in this relationship. That aside, there is a rushing plot that will make reluctant readers move through the book. I kept wanting the author to flush out details of the early plot and make more interesting plot twists. Instead you can pretty much see the end from the beginning. In talking with Arlene I suspect both of us are just suffering from loving The Chaos Walking series and everything pales in comparison.

So I’m back to my dilemma….the book I liked most, or the book more kids will be interested in? Stinking kids….Epitaph Road moves on.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hothouse vs. The Perfect Shot

Hothouse by Chris Lynch

"First they needed heroes, then they needed blood."

I was pretty interested in this book from the get-go, as I had heard some good things about the author before reading any of his work. Plus, the jacket description was intriguing. I can be a sucker for a good blurb.

Hothouse tells the story of Russ, a teenage boy whose father has recently passed away, along with the father of his oldest friend that lives across the street. The men were firefighters, and they died trying to save a woman in a blaze. Firefighting was in their blood, and this was passed down to Russ. All he had ever wanted was to fight fires like his father. To make his dad proud. To save lives. To be a hero, like his father.

After the tragic deaths, the kids of the firemen are treated like celebrities around their small town. Their money is no longer good anywhere, they are told several times a day that their old
men were great people, and heroes the town would never forget. Russ was not sure how to deal with his "fame" while dealing with the loss of his father. Complications and facts regarding the actual rescue start to come to light when the investigation by the FD is complete, and Russ must step back and look at his father to see who he really was.

Without providing any spoilers, the book raises questions about the nature of heroism, as well as the idea of raising heroes only to destroy them. I think the ideas of this book are great, but it was hard to buy into the story itself. I don't believe that the characters were developed as well as they could have been. Russ comes across as excessively naive, refusing to open his eyes to the truth, which makes it hard to sympathize with the character. Without sympathy in a novel centered around a tragic loss, it was difficult for me to become engrossed in the narrative.

The Perfect Shot by Elaine Marie Alphin

It is difficult to briefly encapsulate what The Perfect Shot is about. It is about basketball, friendship, racism, stereotypes, murder, justice, truth, loss, love, teamwork and determination.

Brian's girlfriend was murdered, and her father became the main suspect. Coping with this loss, Brian must move forward with life as a leader on his tight-knit basketball team. A school project forces him to examine the flaws of the justice system and uncover the truth about his own judgments of those around him, while raising new issues in his girlfriend's murder case. When his best friend is arrested for being the wrong colour in the wrong part of town, Brian sees the injustice in the world, and in the system, and knows that he is responsible for doing what is right.

The Perfect Shot is a very strong novel. It is deeply layered with no shortage of action, suspense, strong characters or sports. Basketball is pretty much the only sport that I am not a fan of, but the scenes written during the game flowed well and provided some tense moments. The deeper themes to the novel, however, are what make this book so good. The collision of an old case of an innocent man being convicted with the possibility of another innocent man being convicted for the death of his first love works extremely well. Brian learns from everything around him, and strives to do what is right. To get justice for his girlfriend. To get justice for her father. To do what is right for his family, his friends, his team, and to find his own inner peace with the events of his life to that point.

I found this novel to be engrossing and satisfying. I was more leery about it than Hothouse, but I think the complexity of it is what made it so much more enjoyable. I would definitely recommend The Perfect Shot as a novel for my students to read. I would say it would be perfect for Grade 9-12 students. Hothouse is aimed at a similar age group, but I just think the novel missed its mark in not being able to fully develop the strong ideas it starts out with.

Winner: The Perfect Shot

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Countdown Has Begun!

I've added a counter on the right hand side. Ten reading and posting days remain! Which books will remain standing in this first round? Only you can decide!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Demon's Lexicon vs.The Last Summer of the Death Warriors

Demons’ Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan

“The pipe under the sink was leaking again. It wouldn't have been so bad, except that Nick kept his favorite sword under the sink.” From the opening lines of this supernatural novel, the author hooks the reader with the seemingly normal co-existence of magic and mortal worlds. Nick and Alan have spent their lives running from magicians who are seeking the boys’ mother and a charm that she stole from the magician, Black Arthur. The magicians and demons have driven their mother mad and killed their father and continue to hunt the family

Complicating matters is the introduction of Jamie, who has been marked by demons and his sister Mae who come seeking help from Nick and Alan. Alan’s natural empathy results in disaster when he too is marked, and Nick will do almost anything to save his brother.

The four set out to kill a magician as this is the only way that Alan and Jamie can be saved. As they delve deeper into the chase, Nick uncovers several inconsistencies in past experiences with his brother, which lead him to believe that Alan has been lying to him.

Nick is right about the lying, but the twists and turns that the author introduces are totally unexpected and quite horrifying. The intertwining of human qualities and emotions with the cold and raw realities of Brennan’s magical/demonic world make the story a gripping and compelling read.

While the story is complete in itself, there is lots of room for the all kinds of adventure in the books that will follow.

The Last Summer of the Death Warriors by Francisco Stork

Pancho and DQ are both facing death – DQ because he is suffering from a rare form of brain cancer, and Pancho because he has decided to avenge his sister’s murder. The two teenage boys come together in New Mexico at a Catholic orphanage.

Pancho has not had an easy life. –Motherless at a young age, his father is killed in a freak accident at work because of an alcoholic co-worker, and his developmentally delayed sister is murdered. When Pancho arrives at the orphanage we meet a boy with little concern for himself or fear for consequences, as he plans to get his sister’s killer.

DQ was dumped at the orphanage when his single mother who suffered from a bi-polar disorder realized she could not care for him. After many years, seeking medical help and finding herself in a happy marriage she finally decides to come back for DQ, who does not wish to reconcile with her. When DQ is diagnosed with a rare brain cancer she decides to try to take over his care, as he is still a minor and must succumb to her wishes.

The third character whose story intertwines with the others is Marisol, who becomes the object of both boys’ affections. She works at a home for children who are ill with cancer, where DQ and Pancho come to stay.

DQ has written a “Death Warrior’s Manifesto” which outlines a set of rules for living, accepting the certainty of death, and not wasting time on bitterness or living half-heartedly. The changes that these teens influence in each other sets the scene for possibilities that are at times poignant, occasionally humorous, and often dramatic.

As Pancho plans and contemplates his revenge, and DQ tries to emancipate himself from his mother’s care, this slightly sentimental story takes a fairly predictable, yet highly compelling road to an open, yet satisfying conclusion.

And the winner is...

Tough decision!! I enjoyed both books but found that the intended audiences were very different. I wouldn't say that I loved either, yet I would have no trouble recommending either to different students. I think, based upon mass appeal, I would have to choose The Demon's Lexicon.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

ShipBreaker by Paolo Bacigalupi

Ship Breaker is a a pretty fast paced book about a young boy named Nailer whose job is to break down ship wrecks and to recover wiring, hardware, gold, etc...It takes place in the not too distant future in a world where global warming and severe weather has wiped out major cities around the world and you really see a two scenario where you are born to salvage and one where you are born rich and benefit from the salvaging. In this book, a sailing ship is washed ashore by a brutal storm and Nailer finds the boat, and the only survivor, the daughter of one the world's biggest shipping magnates. He struggles to save her or to make her part of a ransom to secure a better life for himself. In choosing to save her, he alienates most of the people he works with and his family. There is lots of action and it is a nice mix of girl and boy heroine so I think it would appeal to most of the masses. Interestingly, I found a YouTube video of the author talking about the book and his inspiration of actual Ship Breakers in Bangladesh ( )

Annabel read our "Opponent" book, Restoring Harmony so we will switch them off this week and decide on our final winner.