“Holding Up The Universe” is the winner of this round for our team.
Full Disclosure….after reading I usually very quickly forget character’s names and the details become fuzzy for me. Instead I tend to focus on how I feel after I finish reading a book. Did I connect with the characters, plot, setting, writing style, one of these or all of them, etc? Also, can I recommend the book to a student, a friend, a colleague or even my book club? I can definitely recommend this unforgettable book. Jack and Libby are characters whose story is one that you just can’t forget. Prosopagnosia is a unique condition that you can't forget. I didn’t expect to love this book but I fell in like with Libby and Jack and their unique story. One of the things that didn’t quite add up for me is how Jack’s parents had absolutely no idea that something was different with their son. I could see this if he was very young but I find it so strange that he was so old and he was the one who had to tell them. How did others feel about this?
“Vincent and Theo” was a book that I just struggled to maintain my interest in. Having said this I am grateful that I have read it because I will never look at a Van Gogh in the same way again.
- Shelley
I also feel fuzzy around the details but this was definitely a book I fell in love with. In fact it was my best session at Teacher's Convention last year!!!