It bodes well for our burgeoning long-distance Smackdown partnership
that Christina and I shared similar takes on both of our books, and this post
will echo much of what Christina has already written. One of the things I’ve always
found very challenging – and very interesting –about the Smackdown, particularly
in the early rounds, is trying to make a sound judgment about books that may
have very little in common other than that they have been deemed YA in some
way. This was certainly the case with our Code
Name Verity versus Master of Deceit
opening round. When the books arrived I assumed that a typical apples and
oranges comparison had just become apples versus lumberjacks, but surprisingly,
I found that despite obvious and profound differences, the books shared a
common ethos and were both compelling and thought-provoking reads.
When I read the subtitle of Master of Deceit: America in the Age of Lies plastered over the arresting
torn from the headlines cover, it’s perhaps not surprising that my mind jumped
to the more sensational aspects of the J. Edgar Hoover story and I approached the
reading with less than an open mind. So, I’m going to ask kids to read about a
cross-dressing bully in a historical context they have no clue about? Yeah,
right! I’m pleased to report that I was wrong and I not only enjoyed the book,
but also think it is an accessible and important book for students to read. I
had assumed that I had a fairly good working knowledge of this point in American
history. You don’t teach The Crucible
for 15 years without establishing some foundational knowledge about McCarthy,
Hoover et al. but I realize now that my understanding was always one built on
fragments and I had never actually read a cohesive piece of writing that
brought together all these fragments. Marc Aronson’s book does this and in a
way that is clear and accessible and, perhaps surprisingly, does not dwell on
some of the more prurient aspects of the J. Edgar Hoover story. Instead, he
offers a nuanced and surprisingly wide ranging narrative that presents a cogent
argument about why this particular aspect of the American experience is
relevant today.
Many years ago, I took an early American literature course
and came away with the realization that you cannot understand American culture
and its effect on the larger world without understanding the Puritan origins of
the land of the free and the home of the brave. Aronson argues, quite
successfully, but never pedantically, that our understanding of the post-911
world cannot be complete if we don’t understand Hoover and his far-reaching
impact on the American psyche. It is not a long book, so it naturally stops
short of being a comprehensive look at the man and the era, but he picks his
spots well and if he was aiming to write a book that could be accessed by a
broad audience, including young adults, he has been successful. Now, all that
being said, I do have some reservations about what kind of readership Aronson’s
book is likely to draw from the 140 character, infographic loving, Instagram posting
(keep inserting stereotypes at your leisure) set that is a big chunk our
current student populace. I think the book would be an excellent one to teach,
as there is much that we could explore about style, craft, use of visuals and,
most importantly, historical context. The number of students I would recommend the
book to with the confidence that he/she would finish it on their own would be limited,
This would not be the case with Elizabeth Wein’s Code Name Verity, though. As noted
above, this book is very different from Master
of Deceit and perhaps more in keeping with what those well-versed in the current
YA Renaissance would recognize as high-quality teen fiction. Code Name Verity pretty much offers
everything you could want from a novel: morally complex, yet extremely likeable
protagonists; an interesting historical context framing a complex and often
riveting plot; a narrative structure that does justice to the aforementioned
complexities and . . . well, I think you probably get the picture. This is a
novel that you are going to feel comfortable placing on your shelf with your
classics to keep your big E English teacher street cred, but I think it is also
a novel that you might be picking up for a friend for Christmas, or earmarking
for that kid who totally “gets” great books, but also that kid who has never “got”
books until that elusive right one comes along. This might be that book. Code Named Verity offers multiple entry
points for readers and I could see myself trying to get this in the hands of
very different people for very different reasons. It is not a particularly easy
read: one needs to be fully-present to follow the narrative threads and pick up
the nuances of the characterization. It is also emotionally wrenching at times
with disturbing glimpses of a world at war and all the inherent brutality and
callousness that such a world demands. While there are graphic depictions of
violence, particularly torture, Wein never presumes to preach at us about the horrors
of war, but rather invites us into the intimate discourse of her characters in
such a way that we cannot turn away. It is not a perfect book, but do such
things even exist? As Christina noted, and this is perhaps inevitable in a book
like this, some of the pieces fall into place a little too easily at times, but
that is a minor quibble in an exceptional novel. We both agreed that it should
move on into the next round. Code Name
Verity may be an early front-runner for the Smackdown crown.
Ok Brent - I have to disagree with Code Named Verity. I am not a fan of historical fiction so both book would have been a slog for me but I completely disagree with CNV being "an interesting historical context framing a complex and often riveting plot;" I found the book painfully slow at times and to be honest, couldn't even finish it. Dia told me that all the action happened in the last 40 pages so I may go back. And I will concede that maybe those last 40 pages were worth the slog (maybe not) but winner of the crown, I hope not given the competition.
ReplyDeleteI was one of few who had good things to say about CNV in our book club but the rest of the universe seems to really like it. I thought this was another book that really didn't appeal for a lot of kids in the beginning. Basically these are women in WW2 in the beginning...completely missing the is YA when there are YA character arguements. Can't deny I was sobbing at the end though.