Bomb is da'bomb. When truth is better than fiction, I love reading about the truth and that's what Bomb is all about. Hokey spy techniques used to sneak top secret intelligence out of the USA into the hands of the Soviets - and all back in the 1950's when the atomic bomb was just a dream - before it became the nightmare we know now. This is a book that all should read, to find out an interesting, and very scary part of American, and world, history.
Seraphina, on the other hand, a fantasy about dragons and such. Lots of imagination and weird vocabulary went in to the telling of this tale. Also a book of intrigue and upset, but of the fictional variety. Good for all those dragon-lovers (and haters) out there. Unfortunately, I am not one of those folk, so this was just an okay read for me.
My vote, for this first round goes to Bomb!
I am thrilled! I resisted Bomb for a long time until all the medals stuck to the book made me suck it up and read it. So glad I was one of my fave reads of last year.