Smackdown the Tenth - Round 4
Debbie, Vanessa, Norma and Joelle
Vanessa: These were both really good books and it was nice to have to think hard about
which book to move forward. Although the stories were rich in both, I am going to have
to go with Moonrise. It was so beautifully written and crafted - not good for my
elementary library but I know many older kids I could share this with. Loved it. My
vote is Moonrise.
Zombie pick: Ebb and Flow
Norma: Both books were great. My pick to move forward is Moonrise. I found the
way Moonrise was written was very appealing. It made for easy reading and sustained
my attention all the way through.
Zombie pick: Ebb and Flow
Debbie: I enjoyed Patron Saints, but loved Moonrise. I am a sucker for a well-written
novel in verse and this book was just that. My heart broke for Joe and his family and
I thought the author peeled back the layers of this story masterfully. Her portrayal of
Joe and all he had to go through, as a 17 year old, highlights for us the fact that we
can never truly know what goes on in the lives of our students. Sometimes, for some
of our students, just getting to school everyday is a major accomplishment. My vote
is for Moonrise.
My zombie pick: Ebb and Flow