Smackdown the 9th - Fourth Round
Debbie Piasetsky - Alberta Ed
Norma Johnson - Sweet Grass
Vanessa LeCaine - Sweet Grass
Poet X Nevermoor
Vanessa : I’m still reeling from the notion that 57 Bus got knocked out in the last round but I have not lost all my faith in humanity...yet. It’s round 4 and there has been a lot said about these 2 books and while I really liked Poet X, I’m staying true to Nevermoor. It was a richer story with greater appeal .. and I just liked it better. Lay the smack down if you disagree
Norma. I liked Poet X. It would be a great addition to a junior high library. I can see how readers would find it easily accessible because of how it is written. However it does not hold a candle to Nevermoor. Nevermoor held my attention from the beginning, I wanted more when it ended, read the sequel when it became available and I am now re-reading Nevermoor. My vote is a strong YES to Nevermoor.
Debbie :I loved both of these books as well...but if I have to choose (and I know...I do…) I choose Nevermoor. It made me laugh and I felt a connection to the story and to Morrigan from the very first page. I have recommended it to others and have bought it for my nieces.
So that's 3 for Nevermoor!!
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