Debbie Piasetsky - Alberta Ed, Norma Johnson - Sweet Grass, Vanessa LeCaine - Sweet Grass
Marrow Thieves - Cherie Dimaline The Goat -Anne Fleming
Vanessa - I listened to the Marrow Thieves earlier this year and I loved it. The
narrator had a slow, melodic cadence and I really got a feel for the book. I did
struggle at the beginning to figure out that it was not set in the now but the
not-too-distant future. The idea of “harvesting” from specific populations is not
old but this was definitely a new take. Loved the tie in to Indigenous culture and
the way this story was told. And then I read GOAT. A short book, cutesy cover,
was sure it would be a nice light snack. But it was a lovely surprise...a series
of intertwined stories that revolved around a goat living on the roof of a high rise
in New York City. The stories are short but there is still strong character
development and you get a attached to the folks in these stories quickly. Here is
the dilemma....there are incredibly different books for very different audiences.
I loved them both for different reasons.
Ok - this was a hard one but I am going to go with Goat. After a couple of
weeks of sitting on it, Goat it the one that is sticking with me best.
Norma - Enjoyed both books. Found it easier to get into The Goat. My choice
for this round is The Goat.
Debbie - I too listened to “Marrow Thieves” and loved it. I thought for sure it
would be the book I chose to move forward. But then I hunkered down with
“The Goat” over the break and loved it too...equally...but for different reasons.
To make this quick, I am choosing “The Goat” to move forward because I think
students from grades 4-12 could enjoy it and learn from it. I will definitely be
nominating “Marrow Thieves” for my zombie pick later on though.
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