We definitely had time to read...the meeting in person is more difficult on the first day back. This is mainly due to something called breakanesia whereby you lose all memory of roles and responsibilities when you return to work after extended time away. Instead you wander around introducing yourself and muttering the phrase: that rings a bell over and over again until someone gently guides you to your car at the end of the day.
It was in this frame of mind that ABM voted and commented via email throughout the day. I began by saying that I enjoyed both books and could find a wide audience for both. I simply had to pick between angsty teen (conjoining left double the angst) in One and boy who likes trouble and can find it regardless of the era in Blackthorn Key. Because it is Suckuary I voted for a little trouble. Annabel quickly chimed in for Blackthorn Key as well though she said she was swayed by Holly’s remark that One was National Enquirer-esque. Annabel like both books as well.
You would think, then, that Holly would also vote for Blackthorn Key. Have you met Holly? So no. She found severed fingers, mysterious doors, shooting off stuffed bear genitalia the key to falling asleep fast. What goes on at her house? One was a page turner for her and even though a student wrote over the break to say how much they were enjoying Blackthorn Key the vote was now 2-1.
Arlene jumped in to vote for One and found it a book that was spreading like wildfire through her grade nine class - both girls and boys like it (never underestimate the power of angst). Arlene could not get through Blackthorn Key though she tried a number of formats.
Lisa also voted for One and was thrilled to be on the same side as Holly She found Blackthorn Key: fine but not her kind of book and the student from her class who read Key did not rave about it. 2-3.
Andrew found the story in Blackthorn Key one he wanted to finish and know what would happen next. I don’t know if he meant to be punny but he said he couldn’t “connect” with the characters in One.
That leaves us tied with two votes to go. Tammy votes One who was surprised by her engagement but liked the characters and the family dynamics. By 250 in the Key she was bored and abandoned ship.
Last one in could end the whole debate or put us in a tie. Andrea Smith found this position intense. She also liked both books but chose Key. The sequel, the friendship and the mystery were all deciding factors for her.
Of course we tied, of course Arlene and I had already lined up on opposite sides so we could not break it. Holly suggested since One was about conjoined twins each vote should count for two...tempting. Also it earned her the title of Book Bully (thank you Andrew). She has indicated for short you can call her BB. Instead we drew randomly and picked One. To this Holly proclaimed she smelled victory….to me, anyone who reads either of these books and liked them is the real winner….so that’s Dia, Annabel, Lisa, Andrea. History, you know, is written by the victors!
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