One of the things that we discussed is how the cover – with its
Rivers Edge vibe (Turns to nod at Brad Smilanich for acknowledgment of well executed 80s film reference) and somewhat hyperbolic sound bites – maybe does a disservice to the
novel itself. The novel I read was not necessarily what I was expecting, and
while that can be a delight in other circumstances, in this case I think its
testament to a novel that wasn’t too sure what it wanted to grow up to be. Win,
our tormented protagonist, is definitely channeling his inner Edward Cullen,
which some young readers may appreciate, but while the author works hard to
build the intrigue as we delve deeper into Win’s past, I’m not sure that I ever
cared as much as I should about Win. This could be just my cold, cold heart,
but I don’t really think so. (My heart is actually warm like the inside of a
poptart) While I could appreciate, intellectually, Win’s turmoil, I felt an
emotional dissonance that I’m going to chalk up to some clunky writing. This is
a novel that I wouldn’t hesitate to call ambitious, but the author’s technical
prowess isn’t a match for a fairly complex concept. There are gaps in the narrative
structure and, most tellingly for me, the tone that effectively pulled me out
of the story when I should have been eagerly sinking deeper into it. That being
said, I’d rather see a writer try to do something great and not quite pull it
off than write a neat, tidy little novel and I think we all felt that this was
a book written by someone who has not only an understanding of, but also a
profound empathy for, young people who have suffered trauma. We could see this
book offering something of substance to a young person who had both the reading
chops to read beyond the surface level and, perhaps most importantly, an
equally thoughtful adult with whom to discuss such weighty matters.
If that disconnect between the cover and what was inside
worked against Charm and Strange,
there seemed to be the reverse flow happening with Midwinterblood. I mean who puts this on the cover of a book? “What
would you sacrifice for someone you’ve loved forever?” (I think I felt Nicholas
Sparks rolling his eyes, while he counts his money on a beach somewhere) And
what’s with the creepy rabbits and the mardi gras ornament borders? Awful
cover. Really cool book. It took me weeks to even open this book and then when
I did, what do I see on the opening page? June, 2073. Oh no. Does another trip
to disaffected teen dystopia await? Uhm, actually no. You see all this judging
books by covers stuff is just not working out at all. So, what can I tell you
about Midwinterblood without spoiling
anything? Well, it is built around seven discrete but connected stories that
transport us through time, while leaving us fairly firmly rooted in place. Not
compelling enough? How about this? I would bet you my first born son that any
teen you gave this to will find at least one of these stories very interesting
and when they realize that they are all connected, they will find increasing
nuance and depth in all of the others. It is a book that, in many ways, speaks
to why we read in the first place. Just the other day, I sat in a room with 150
elementary kids listening to a librarian go on about the latest batch of YRCA
books. They were literally cheering and some were shaking with excitement and I
think this book is very much the kind of book that would kindle or rekindle
that excitement in some of our junior high and high school readers. Is it a
perfect book? No. And in fact, one of the things we discussed is that we
actually wished this book was longer – you can’t build Game of Thrones in 250
pages –for those with adultish attention spans, but it probably is a very near
perfect length for our younger charges who still crave a more ambitious read.
And, if I still haven’t convinced you here’s the ultimate English teacher trump
card: while we were discussing the book, we came up with a cool lesson idea. It’s
really a book that would engage readers in and out of the classroom and we are
glad to see it moving on into the next round. And its journey begins. (That
will make sense when you read it)
Just finished MidWinterblood. My cover is a girl in a long dress sitting in a crypt in the fog! I, too, would have voted for Mindwinterblood but as I was reading it, it felt familiar...a book told about the connection between two people over time... two words: Cloud Atlas!