With a few late stragglers voting and a few who never vote (but mathematically cannot change the outcome) we finally have a winner! In second place a tie....at 9 votes each The One and Only Ivan and Counting by 7s. Cue the tiara and tears that means Bomb wins the Smackdown this year with 14 votes (some more enthusiastic than others). I know I'm not speaking for Arlene, but I am thrilled to see a non-fiction title pull out the win. However, I will say that all the finalists were books that could go immediately into the hands of students and all could be used beautifully in classrooms if a teacher was willing. There were many great reads this year and Arlene and I encourage you to go back in the blogs and look for hidden gems you might want to catch up on this summer.
Smackdown would also like to bid farewell to Robin Knight - we smacked her right into retirement but she graciously hooked another participant from her school to join us next year. Enjoy all of that reading time!
Thank you to all our blogger participants and readers. Those that couldn't make the final meeting - we will contact you about your book orders this week. If you are interested in participating again next year or for the first time next year please leave a comment we would love to have you for Smackdown - The Nickel Edition.
We wanted to create a way where we could read a few books, learn about many titles and have fun doing it! The tournament style reading of the Mighty Smackdown means that in the first round each participant reads two books, discusses both in a blog post, selecting one book to move on to the next round. Teachers are asked to commit to one round but most, if not all, continue on. We will read to the end when we will have only one book left standing!
Count me in!
ReplyDeleteWell, at least I feel that the right book of the finalists won, even if poor Leonard Peacock is just the winner in my heart.
ReplyDeleteCount me in for another year, Smackers! Can't wait.
I am anxiously awaiting my books for next year!
ReplyDeleteI would love to know more the Mighty Smackdown and how to participate.