Enjoyed “More Than This” and had even moved it along earlier in Smackdown; however, after reading “Bomb” that is my choice to move to the next round. "Harry Gold was right: This is a big story." Based on true events, Sheinkin has written a story of discovery, espionage, and revolutionary changes in both physics and the modern world. He skillfully combines accessible, informative snapshots of the science behind the atomic bomb with a fast-paced narrative of the people who made it possible and attempted to steal it. The book is filled with archival photos and primary-source documents and makes accessible how the bomb was envisioned and brought to fruition. While the historical information and hard facts presented here will likely be new to the intended audience, they in no way overwhelm readers or detract from the thoroughly researched, well-documented account. It reads like a thriller and that's part of its appeal.
Zombie Pick Sandra: Eleanor and Park
Zombie Pick Vanessa: Eleanor and Park (Vanessa didn't love it like so many others but she does think it deserves another chance)
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