13 Hangmen or More Than This?
Brad: Well, it seems that our esteemed, and
clearly-more-organized-than-us, colleagues have already posted their thoughts
on our round, and I’m guessing we will be in agreement (he said, hopefully, but
not having any idea what Jyoti is about to write). First up:
Art Corriveau’s 13 Hangmen.
I kind of loved it. Why shockingly? Terrible cover. A premise that (at least initially) seems
bordering on redonkulous. Kind of
time-travelly, kind of ghosty shenanigans (both of which I usually despise). Lots of American history, of which I know
almost nothing (other than that which I acquired from Schoolhouse Rock—almost forty
years later, I can still tell you how a bill becomes a law). Some terribly klunky dialogue. And, the novel’s greatest flaw, an almost
interminable first third or so.
once it gets going…

that first third. Which I think would
turn off most readers. To the point
where, I’m not sure I could convince an entire class to keep slogging. But for some kids? This would be like literary crack. Definitely something I would keep in the
classroom to put into some lucky kid’s hands.
first I would burn that terrible dustjacket.
If 13 Hangmen felt more like a bowl of popcorn, then More Than This felt more like...oh forget it...there's absolutely no appropriate food analogy. Well, except maybe a tin of canned goods scavenged from an abandoned supermarket?
This one was smart and compelling and drew me in immediately, despite my initial fear that it would turn into a boy version of The Lovely Bones. Ness handles sensitive and difficult topics deftly while combining them with some serious suspense.
Brad: Man. I
really loved this. I couldn’t agree more.
so as not to ruin any of the unfettered joys of pure, unadulterated twistiness
of the novel, I think we should keep this as spoiler free as possible. Hmmm…how to extol the virtues of a book when
you can’t really speak of the narrative…?
about this: Ness has a knack for having
Seth ask himself just the right
questions about his circumstances so that his paranoia fuels our paranoia, and Seth’s (sometimes
justified, sometimes not so much) suspicions drive us to question everything
that we understand, until the next ball
drops, and the circumstances change again. But not in an irritating, eye-rolling,
deus ex machina kind-of-way—this is a book that demands careful, deliberate
close reading, and one soon realizes that all of the "pieces" are
there in front of your eyes for the entire book, from the first three pages
onward. It is a book in which a deliberate, seemingly unimportant word or
phrase on page two holds the key to an event hundreds of pages later.
Yep. This is the kind of book that would demonstrate to a student that
what we teach of artistic unity and authorial choice really does matter. And it is done so in
such a compelling, freaky, terrifyingly enthralling narrative, it doesn't even
feel like "work."
Jyoti: You're absolutely right about the
close reading Ness demands of his readers. It's such a carefully constructed
novel that invites the reader to engage philosophically in ways that are deeply
satisfying and quite unexpected. There's nothing that feels contrived or
patronizing: he's just that good.
Brad: Ness sure has a way with language--even in
the tensest of chase or fight scenes, a carefully chosen metaphor or simile brings
an affective quality to the writing, catalyzing a real cinematic viscerality
to what, in the hands of a lesser writer, would be thrilling, perhaps, but clichéd
and tired.
Jyoti: I love how he manages to make it philosophical, suspenseful
and emotional all at once. This is definitely worth the almost 500 pages,
and I don't say that lightly at all. Absolutely time well spent.
Brad: Oh, and those last two pages. Good lord.
Bawling. I can’t think of a more
satisfying and affecting conclusion to a book in a looonng time. In such a dark book of terror and suicide and
existential misery, the last thing I expected was such kindness and compassion. Like I said:
bawling. And not just a little
bit. Entirely, unexpectedly satisfying.
pretty clear that we agree with Vanessa and Sandy that More Than This advances. I’m
not sure that we can count on a second Mighty Smackdown victory for Mr. Ness,
but expect this one to go pretty far:
maybe Final Four?
And, for a special Bonus Feature, the book trailer for More Than This. If this doesn’t intrigue you just a little…: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTYt0GlKIIQ
ReplyDeleteThank the Gods - Go Ness!!!