Why yes, Brad, I will make this unanimous!
Like the remainder of my group, I most definitely nominate Split to move on to the next round. As mentioned, it was an extremely difficult, but compelling, read. In spite of the heartbreaking, often sensational subject matter, Avasthi explores the topic in a way that feels authentic & realistic, & I found myself rooting for Jace & admiring his resiliancy, even in being accountable for & overcoming his own flaws.
On the other hand, although I was expecting to favor Wonderstruck, I found myself disinterested throughout. The concept is interesting & intruiguing, but the execution felt hollow - nothing about the characters or plot really grabbed me. Although it was a quick read, I found myself dragging through to the end, not particularly caring about what happened to either of the main characters.
So, with that said, I fully support the progression of Split to the next Smackdown round!
We wanted to create a way where we could read a few books, learn about many titles and have fun doing it! The tournament style reading of the Mighty Smackdown means that in the first round each participant reads two books, discusses both in a blog post, selecting one book to move on to the next round. Teachers are asked to commit to one round but most, if not all, continue on. We will read to the end when we will have only one book left standing!
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