Two biggies the Newberry and the National Book Award failed to move on to round two. Arlene and Dia's choices made it. VOYAs perfect 10s did not. Two and 1/2 graphic novels continue to battle it out (the 1/2 is for Wonderstruck) but 1 and 1/2 go head to head in the next round. We loved the tough choices whether it was putting forward the best of the blah or cutting out a book that you did love. Some of you had an easier time...but round two is coming up.
Round Two:
Tales Dark and Grimm vs Beauty Queens (I'm weeping already)
A Monster Calls vs Yummy
Split vs The Mostly True Story of Jack
Mangaman vs Wonderstruck (Good luck Kenilworth!)
Okay for Now vs Conspiracy of Kings
Freak Observer vs Wither
Every You Every Me vs Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin
Revolution vs Guantanomo Boy
Who gets what will be emailed to bloggers today books will be sent out ASAP. Please feel free to comment on blogs posted - next due date FEBRUARY 6th.
SMACK on in 2012!
I'm glad my pick survived one round!