The Kids from Sweet Grass blog about:
Vanessa: I’ll make this quick, my vote is for Banksy. Although Dragon Hoops was fine, I have read the last four books now and the other 2 (Land of Cranes and Furia) are both better than these two. So whatever goes out on the side will be my Zombie pick. Much has been said about Banksy and Hoops in previous rounds. Banksy was better. That is all.
Norma: Dragon hoops was a graphic novel that I did appreciate. I think a lot of that had to do with a subject area that was of interest to me. I enjoyed Banksy as well. My vote is for Banksy,
Mel: Banksy all the way on these two. It did take me about half-way through to start to like it but felt it picked up as things went along. NO to Graphic Novels for me. I am confused by characters and storylines when a story is told with pictures. I admit it. I give up. I would have enjoyed the story if it was written out. Land of the Cranes is still my pick (even over Banksy).
Emily: Dragon Hoops was fine. The sections that dealt with the history of basketball were cool to read, but the narrative failed to grip me. Banksy hooked me right from the beginning. I was far more invested in this story, and it was a much more satisfying book to read. I vote Banksy.
Stephanie: Well, I have surprised myself with this one. I loved the book Me and Banksy; however, my vote is for Dragon Hoops. I thought Dragon Hoops was cleverly written. I actually thought the meta techniques of the author and his writing process were interesting. It allowed us to see the choices that a writer has to make and how really difficult the Phelps history was for him to tell, especially when no verdict was officially given and all of the players that he knew personally had such a different impression of him. I was so engaged in all of the different histories of basketball. I honestly couldn’t put the book down, and Lionel stole the book from me on numerous occasions after constantly sneak-reading over my shoulder. Clearly, it’s an excellent book, if a 4 foot 11 Comparative Literature major and lover of art chooses it over Me and Banksy!!
Rushmi: I can appreciate a book about sports, and learn the history as we go. In the form of a graphic novel, it was easier to learn the history too. However, reading about an author who doesn’t know what to write about for the duration of the book did not win me over, and my interest fizzled out. Bansky on the other hand had me asking more and more questions, wanting to find out about the true Bansky. The typical highschool happy ending was regular but overall this one takes my vote.
Jon: Read Dragon Hoops, did not finish Banksy therefore, abstained from voting at the time of publishing.