Counting by 7's vs Dante and Aristotle
Well, it might be because everyone is busy with student-leds, performances, Olympics, etc.. but we have heard from Jyoti, Van, Sandra, Donna and Brad and we all agreed. Counting by 7's was our clear winner. Travis and friends - not sure you agree but we outnumber you so...Counting by 7's it is. Lots has been said about both books already but for me (and this is what happens when I get to do the post), A & D was a nice book about a couple of boys. Yes they were gay but still just nice story. Good, yes. Great, meh.It was almost another case of comparing apples and oranges. A &D was definitely meant for the older kids and Counting by 7's geared a little younger. Counting by 7's just showed how a traditional family is not necessarily what we think anymore. And the extended family that grew in Counting by 7's showed how each member of that family became better for knowing each other. For us, every time someone mentioned the book title, they couldn't do it without smiling. On a side note, was nice to read two whole books that did not involve: faeries, vampires, zombies, dystopian societies, or kids hunting other kids for sport.
Count it all the way to the top!