Smackdown Books 2021

Ordinary Hazards
We Dream of Space
If These Wings Could Fly
We Are Not Free
The King of Jam Sandwiches
All Thirteen: The Incredible Cave Rescue of the Thai Boys' Soccer Team
The Companion
Punching the Air
Show Me a Sign
Land of the Cranes
Dragon Hoops
When Stars Are Scattered
The Radium Girls: The Scary But True Story of the Poison That Made People Glow in the Dark
American as Paneer Pie
Tune It Out
The Gilded Ones
The Left-Handed Booksellers of London

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Andrew 2 Votes...

It has to be Nothing. It may be more "mature" than the other choices, but I don't think we need to be scared off by that. I think it will force students to think. And I like that. Amazing book.
OK, I just have to say that we have to get past calling Nothing an adult book. Let's call it mature. I fully intend to place it in my box of choices for my Literature Kit unit for my IB 9's. It is a great choice for fulfilling my "international literature" component. Of course, I also offer Kite Runner and A Long Way Gone to the same students as choices (with a parent consent form).
It's not for every kid, but it is an amazing choice for some kids.
That said, I would not be sad to see Scrawl win. I also ordered multiple copies of that one for my grade eights.
(And I agree about When You Reach Me, too, since I ordered multiple copies for my grade sevens)

Happy summer to all!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Add two more votes for Scrawl from Arlene and Donna.

Repeat from Westminister

If you missed my earlier Tweet (one of the few that showed up), I insist that Nothing should win.

ABM Andrew Reports In...

I did not read the third book – due to time, lack of book sharing and well to be honest I probably would have cracked if I had one more thing to do.

Between Nothing and Scrawl it is hands down Scrawl as in my humble opinion –Nothing is not even a book for students (more of an adult book on the form of a young readers novel and really – not that good)

Jasper Place Votes

One vote Nothing, One vote Flash I sound like Jeff Probst?

Twitter - Not Our Friend

Since our tweets did not all carry over I've asked you all for a final post. Here is mine:

Nothing: gripping, stays with you but ultimately I feel it is an adult book. Not because of the violence but in order to understand and reflect on making decisions like that as a child.
Flash Burnout: enjoyable, laugh and cry. I'm totally getting the stupidity isn't a crime t-shirt but more of a high school book
Scrawl: My vote has to go here.....but if I could...When You Reach Me.

Thanks for all your reading and love of reading!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Twitter Update!

Mighty evening to all!

Just doing a quick check in to see if our Twitter feed is working on our blog and it is. I'm glad to see the new tweets are showing up on the right hand side. According to Twitter, "older tweets are temporarily unavailable."

Although, I just did a #mightysmackdown hashtag search on twitter and all tweets with the hashtag have appeared...except for Mona's which I just remembered she posted yesterday.

Mona, we'll catch up tomorrow!

Just a friendly reminder that if you tweet, please remember to have a space before and after the #mightysmackdown hashtag. Otherwise, it will not appear on the search page.

I think that is all for now.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Final Smackdown Haikus

Bamboo People

Important issues

Emotional! Overload!

Just much too earnest


Well, it’s not perfect.

But it tries something diff’rent,

Mostly succeeding.

Always engaging.

The plot becomes wacky, but

Onward, Scrawl, onward!



Might Smackdowners the finals are before us! The combatants:

Flash Burnout vs Scrawl vs Nothing.......................
Who takes it all? Tweets will tell all! If you need a copy of either Flash Burnout or Scrawl let me know....Nothings should be distributed this week for those who haven't read it. As soon as you've read tweet away.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Last Round? Twitter Posts!

Good Sunday morning fellow Mighty Smackdowners!

I've just finished reading our zombie pick - nothing by janne teller - which Brad wrote about in his post on The Unwritten vs. nothing. Not surprisingly it has been commented on the most out of all the books which is why it appears in our right hand sidebar beneath our one-of-a-kind Mighty Smackdown art.

New at the top of our right hand sidebar is a Twitter feed of my comments just having read nothing. No need for me to say any more because I think the tweets say it all.

If you are already on Twitter and know how it works, please jump in.

If you are on Twitter already but not really sure how it works, when you tweet, please add the hashtag #mightysmackdown. Before I selected it, I checked that it has not been used yet, which it hasn't. When you add the hashtag, we are then able to search for any posts that contain it. This is what a search page for #mightysmackdown looks like right now. Each time someone tweets with #mightysmackdown in it, it will be added to the top of the page.

That is also how I am able to feed all the posts into the right hand side as every time there is a new tweet with the hashtag it will automatically appear on our blog.

If you don't have a Twitter account, please sign up for one. Once you are in, type your tweet in the What's Happening box including #mightysmackdown. As the hashtag is 15 characters you will then only have 125 characters including spaces to say what you need to say. If, like me, you had more to say, you can post a series of tweets as I did. Just remember to include #mightysmackdown in each one.

Happy tweeting/micro-blogging!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Scrawl vs. Bamboo People


Young and troubled boy

Journaling for therapy

Saved a troubled soul

Bamboo People

True life suffering

I can’t believe it happens

The world needs to know

The winner

I enjoyed both books

One boy versus human war

It has to be Scrawl


Scrawl vs. Bamboo People

Can't remember Scrawl
It has been so long ago
Bully, counsellor?

Bamboo People took
me back to Vietnam
Number two it is.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Flash Burnout

Flash of edginess
Normal boy, abnormal life
To hurtle or not?

When You Reach Me

Past, present, future
Collide in the book and me
Tesser to brocc’li?

I love that I remember so much about When You Reach Me. It brings back fond memories of growing up and my love of the idea of tesseracts and A Swiftly Tilting Planet. I also love how a normal boy lives with one foot in an edgy world in Flash Burnout, and I think that kids would love this too. So I vote to hurtle -- Flash Burnout it is.

What Van thinks

love photography
Flash burnout was a great read
I would pass it on

Wish you were here was
funny, sad, had time travel
I would pass it on

How to choose the best?
Got to agree with Jaylene
Flash burnout it is.

From the words of Jaylene...

Book, bag, pocket, shoe
It is a mystery
That does not reach me.

Flash Burnout is tops
Full of information
Should win the prize for sure!